Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Apple removing protective film from their store

I recently read an article on Engadget about how Apple is removing protective screens from their store.  There's a lot of sinister comments about how Apple is probably going to be making a competing product, or they are "censoring" products now... but I think the reality is much simpler; they are ugly. End of story.

How many times as one of your iPhone/Touch friends came up to you and said, "Hey, check out my new ultra kool iPhone...", and then they proceed to hand you a condom wrapped device with the plastic screen protector starting to fall off, or chipped around the edges....  Yeah... we've all been there.  And then when you pull out your Nexus One and show them, they give you this look like... "Well, try to imagine mine without the condom and screen protector that's starting to peel away... mine would look way cooler than yours then..."

Bottom line, is that Steve doesn't believe the iphone should be wrapped in condoms, duct tape, electrical tape, or plastic screen things.  The iPhone probably does look cool without all those things... but good luck finding one.

Everytime I see people holding an iPhone wrapped in some awful wrapping, I imagine that if I walked into their livingroom, I'd probably find that their furniture draped in large plastic coverings....

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